Tag: erdogan
India’s ‘Recep’tion of Erdogan
Recep Tayeb Erdogan’s resurgence in the Turkish Parliament election elicited mixed responses in India as it is everywhere. There are several ‘whys’ to be explained. The first why: Why resurgence? Because in the Parliament election held in the month of June, Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party got away with 40.86 percent of votes, which means […]
AKP: A Slump, Minor Scar or Wake-up call?
Has the era of Erdogan, so hugely popular as to be called by his cynical critics as the next autocrat of Turkey, started to exhibit the signs of slow disintegration? Or else, as sympathisers of AK party (Justice and Development Party) say, it is just a jolt or wake up call to regain strength, which, […]
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