Najran: Two Warring Metaphors

Najran: Two Warring Metaphors


May 5, 2014 Shameer Ks
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Latife Hanim: When Secrecies Unveil

Latife Hanim: When Secrecies Unveil

Mustafa Kemal Pasha, known as the father of Turkey (Ataturk), (1881-1938) is advertised by the west-aping Muslim intellectuals the world over as their role-model. The demolition of Caliphate and Shareeat, The change of language for azan (from Arabic to Turkish), replacement of Tarboosh (The Turkish felt cap) with the standard European hat, measures for women’s […]

May 5, 2014 VA Kabeer
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Despotism or Pluralism: Questions on Islam

Despotism or Pluralism: Questions on Islam

In India, there are two theories on the expansion of Islam. Theory number one: It spread as part of the expansion of empire. This is a sugarcoated argument explaining the hackneyed sword theory on the expansion of the religion. Theory number two: Islam spread through Sufis and merchants who travelled far and wide effusing mercy, […]

May 5, 2014 Interactive scholars
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Street Musicians’ Day: Delight Unrestrained

Street Musicians’ Day: Delight Unrestrained

Street is where culture remains unrestrained. Much before social networking media and file-sharing systems developed, street had beckoned our artistes to gather and perform, when multi-billion studios and production houses closed their doors on people who have skills but hardly any wherewithal to approach production managers. Now we have Google id; log in to YouTube; […]

May 5, 2014 Tarun K Jayant
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To Reach You Move; To Transform Travel

To Reach You Move; To Transform Travel

Film Review: The Way (2010), Directed by Emilio Estevez, 121 minutes, English. Ways are endless. More endless are their offerings of the unexpected. It’s obvious that ways can take you to places and people. To unknown, unheard, unthought of, unimagined universes. However, where a way eventually leads you hardly matters in comparison with what it […]

May 28, 2013 Muhammed Noushad
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The fate of Jews at Banu Qurayza

The fate of Jews at Banu Qurayza

Below is the transcrption of the speech by Sheikh Sayed Ammar Nakshawani about the story of the alleged massacre of Jews from Banu Qurayza There are many events in the life of prophet Muhammed, which we may find it difficult to digest in the context of pluralism. The alleged massacre of Jews of Banu Quraiza […]

May 28, 2013 Sayed Ammar Nakshawani
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Diverse Ways of a Freelance Monotheist

Diverse Ways of a Freelance Monotheist

“I say that religion isn’t about believing things. It’s ethical alchemy. It’s about behaving in a way that changes you, that gives you intimations of holiness and sacredness.” – Karen Armstrong When one thinks of Prophet Muhammad and pluralism, one can be academical- sorting out samples from the life of The Prophet, analysing them one by […]

May 28, 2013 PP Najiya
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A Refuge of Diversity

A Refuge of Diversity

Ever since Islam rose up against religious persecution in other faiths and became refuge for the oppressed, it has been a targeted creed for despotic as well as fanatic religions, which opposed the very idea of egalitarianism. For them, the idea of Islam was intolerable as it would ruin their power in the following years. […]

May 28, 2013 Ziad Siddique
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The Medina Charter

The Medina Charter

Drafted, according to Montgomery Watt, in 622 C.E.shortly after the hijra, The Medina Charter, aslo called the Constitution of Madina, was amended at a later date specifically after the battle of Badr (AH [anno hijra] 2, = AD 624). It constituted a formal agreement between Prophet Muhammad and all of the significant tribes and families of […]

May 27, 2013 Drafted by Prophet Muhammad
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Digital Reincarnation for Dunhuang’s Buddhist Art

Digital Reincarnation for Dunhuang’s Buddhist Art

Inching their cameras along a rail inside the chamber, specialists use powerful flashes to light up paintings of female Buddhist spirits drawn more than 1,400 years ago. One click after another illuminates colourful scenes of hunters, Buddhas, flying deities, Bodhisattvas and caravanserais painted on the walls of the Mogao caves in northwest China, considered the […]

May 27, 2013 Agence France Presse
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