Debate on ‘Marri-age’: Let Children Grow First
With reference to http://interactive.net.in/content/much-ado-about-marri-age-0 Excellent article…it covers all the points rather well! Marriage is meant to be mercy for mankind where two people come together for companionship. Out of mutual love and respect grows a home of security for the next generation of Muslims- boys and girls. This is an important requirement in an Islamic household. […]
‘Sanctions need not be enforced’
Amidst the controversy over the age for marriage, I was forced to remember a young wife of an old man who asked him and his elder brother to fetch her a young groom. When I was living in Gulf, the security guard of our office-a frail, old man-used to ask me to translate the Urdu […]

No Real Ban of Child Marriage in the Act
with reference to http://www.islaminteractive.info/content/much-ado-about-marri-age-0 I have doubt whether there is real prohibition of child marriage in the Act. There is only restraint, in the sense that the marriage can be nullified if there is dispute. So also child marriage can be stopped when known in advance. The cause for doubt is there are punishment clauses, when […]

Early Marriage and Early Islam
This week, in the state where I am living, Kerala, India: “…nine prominent Muslim (sic) organizations have decided to approach the Supreme Court to exclude Muslim women from the law prescribing a minimum marital age. According to them, the present Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006, which prescribes 18 as women’s legal age and 21 […]

Coke Studio India: The Sufi ‘Gala’xy
Even if it doesn’t increase your faith in God it will certainly increase your faith in music. Coke Studio is a confluence of diverse number of music genres, both vocal and instrumental, from traditional eastern to modern western, and from regional to folk. It aspires to create a unique sound in every country where it […]

Coke Studio, Pakistan
There are no billboards on the streets. For the last four years, a week or so before the new season of Coke Studio is launched, most of the important billboards in major Pakistani cities are taken up by snazzy advertisements announcing the featured artists of the season. It’s the biggest annual ad campaign for any […]

Much Ado about ‘Marri-Age’
A recent verdict of the High Court of Kerala regarding the age of marriage for girls has now been locked in ruckus. Some Muslim organizations have decided to move the Supreme Court of India with the demand for the revision of the order, which, they argue have harmful effects on those who are forced to […]

Parenting: Counsels from Kids’ Corridor
With the last embers of Summer vacation slowly dying out, our young ones are bracing themselves for schools and colleges to reopen. Some of them inboxed have us their insightful and lovingly sarcastic comments on their parents. This was not an assignment, to properly use the word. We got them to actually think about this […]

The Curious Case of Fawad Ahmad
The term cricket yardstick says we don’t play games merely on grounds. Spectators matter. So do spectators moving like waves in tune not only with each run scored but also with each moment which placates their ego. They have collective subconscious, which sets the behavioral norm of each player and determines the shapes and contours […]

Dostoyevsky’s Hell and Heaven
This is a space for clawing back the world of fiction to the aridity of our real lives. There are, sure, magnificent novels and short stories which have changed your life forever-fictions that helped you take reality more vigorously than ever before. Feel free to write about them and email them to kcsaleem07@gmail.com. Here Abhijith […]
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