Author Archive: Infoeditor
Memoir of a Brave Muhajjiba
Of supreme importance though it is, marriage is not given the gravity it deserves in our society. In the East, marriage is a social contract with religious and cultural significations and values. As for Islam, someone who is married has completed one third of his/her religious duties. For centuries, someone getting prepared for marriage considers […]
The Veil – Symbol Carrying Many Meanings
Wearing the veil is seen as cultural, social and religious challenges to the rights of Muslim women. Historically, veiling has been prevalent in countries that Arabs had contact with, such as Syria and Palestine. Veiling was connected with social status. Early Greeks, Romans, Jews and Assyrians all practiced veiling to some degree (Ahmed, 1992, 55). […]
Mercen Dede: Synthesizing Broken Lives in a Ney
Jalal al-Din Rumi’s Mathnawi opens with the mention of a musical instrument which symbolises mankind: ‘From reed-flute hear what tale it tells/ What plaint it makes of absence’ ills/ From jungle-bed since me they tore/Men’s, women’s, eyes have wept right sore/ My breast I tear and rend in twain/To give, through sighs, vent to all […]
Is Telling Lies Possible?
I have heard a hadith which says that there are situations in which we are allowed to lie. I would like to know more about the hadith and about the situations in which lying is permitted.? Team Interactive: Telling lie, as you are aware, is not permissible for a Muslim. In no uncertain terms the […]
‘I want to learn experience of living Islam in India’
Amina Wadud speaks at an informal gathering held by Other Books, Calicut, which published her ‘Quran and Women’ into Malayalam Thank you very much. First I want you to know that I am loving India and I am loving Kerala specially. I have only been here for one week. It is my intention to stay […]
The Circumstance 2011: What is beyond the ancestral dichotomy?
Anything that is Iranian, either being itself or being included in the broader identity of ‘the oriental’ or ‘eastern’, in the scenario of cultural criticism, will always bring that same old dialogue on the dichotomy of west and east, or liberty and religion. In addition, we are in such a political situation that considering something […]
The Story of Abraham: A Journey of Hope for All
In the name of Allah Most Merciful Most Compassionate Delivered at the College of St. Elizabeth in on July 19 th, 2003 First of all, let me offer my Gratitude to the Almighty One for His divine grace having brought us all here today. Let me also ask for His blessings upon all of His […]
Islamic Gallery at Louvre: Good, Bad and Ugly Islams
“There is a distance between what was the Muslim civilisation, the Islamic civilisation, and its contribution to world history and what is happening now,” says Sophie Makariou, the director of the Islamic Art Department, in the context of France’s famous Louvre gallery opening a new wing dedicated to the art of Islam. The Islamic wing […]
Mappilas of Malabar – A Kitchen Community
There is no more sincere love than the love of food – thus observed George Bernard Shaw and one finds it very difficult to disprove the Shavian observation, if one has tasted any of the delicacies that Mappila cuisine of North Malabar offers. Muslims of North Kerala are generally called as Mappillas or Moplahs. Many […]
Wife-beating and Feminist Hermeneutics
Recently, a friend of mine who does not believe in Islam has said about the violent, patriarchal nature of Islam with special focus on a verse which, she says, ask men to beat women. Her allegation is motivated by innocence-to clarify her doubt. But the verse in question has been used as a material for […]
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