January 4, 2013 By

Digital Learning Transforms Classrooms


The advent of new technologies and virtual environments are about to transform the class room environment now that the tablets have started to replace teachers in many parts of the world. A number of schools in the Netherlands have started the way of revolutionizing the method of learning. There, tablet computers will soon replace teachers and textbooks. Reports say that there are already seven such digital schools in the country while another three will have started functioning by the end of this year. This is seen as part of the digitization of modern life across the globe. At the same time, there is a feeling among teachers that all aspects of teaching cannot be replaced by tablets. Meanwhile, there are apprehensions that the technology-rich environment would be discriminatory towards the disabled. At present, blind people cannot use features of the devices of most of the technology giants available in the market. Efforts are being made to overcome this by facilitating transmission of information through audio equipments or accessories connected into Braille. Several universities in the US including the University of California at Berkeley have agreed to make improvements to the existing digital systems of education for ensuring equal access for the blind and print-disabled students.

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