Tag: featured

Remembering a Phenomenon
On 24th September this year, we have completed the eleventh year of sheer intellectual poverty. On a fateful day like this in the year 2003, Edward Said, the organic intellectual who spoke out to power in a clear, lucid, evocative and all the while daring manner, died. The issues he fought hard against- aggression of […]

Edward Said: Legacy Revived
Edward Said touched on many discourses relevant today, because his career is rooted deep into the most pressing political concerns of today. To say metaphorically, Edward Said is not yet dead, as there is a continuum of his intellectual career through his contemporaries, students and fans. We array here the reflections of some outspoken critiques […]

Co-existence and Diaspora: A Jewish Critique of Zionism
All believers, whatever be their religion, must go through the experience of diaspora, as diaspora is helplessly an important stage in their life. Etymologically the word signifies scattering and dispersal and evokes the memories of homelessness. Where the Quran narrates the story of Banu Israel, addresses the newly emerging community of believers under Prophet Muhammad […]

Imperial Continuity: Palestine, Iraq and US foreign Policy
Here Edward Said talks about the sheer violation of human rights with ‘the establishment of by force of a Jewish state on a land that was populated by the Arabs. This process began in the early 19th century culminated with the war between the Arabs and Jews in 1947, in which the Arabs lost. It […]

Said : Short Note on Orinetalism
Said pithily summarizes what he wrote in Orientalism. He says, “The idea behind Orientalism is to seek out the origin and coherence of the description of the Orient that began to appear in Europe in the 18th and early 19th century. That is different from the description of the Orient before. Orientalism is about the […]

Midnight’s Children Festival Events: “A Dialogue with Edward Said
In this footage where Edward Said talks with Prof Akeel Belgrami about Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children, Edward’s quintessential method of literary criticism is unveiled. Since Edward is more concerned about the workings of power behind a literary work, he throws sharp questions about the representation of power in Rushdie’s book. “The brilliance of Rushdie’s work […]

The Strategic Partner
Review of Jason Brownlee’s Democracy Prevention: The Politics of the US, Egyptian alliance Democracy Prevention: The Politics of the US, Egyptian alliance Paperback: 296 pages Cambridge University Press (October 4, 2012) ISBN: 1107677866 In the heyday of counterrevolution against the deposed Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, I had chat with a Communist party member in India […]

The Meaning of Jerusalem
Jerusalem: One City, Three FaithsPaperback: Ballantine Books; Reprint edition (4/97) ISBN: 0345391683 Karen Armstrong’s Jerusalem: One City, Three Faiths is always contemporary, or for that matter till the Israeli aggression and Palestinian resistance cease. There is nothing in a book of history to make it contemporary; except that it becomes a mirror held out against […]

Kurdish rivals unite to fight Islamic State
Erbil, Iraq – The President of Iraq’s Kurdish region, Massoud Barzani, visited fighters of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) for the first time last week, after the PKK joined Kurdish Peshmerga forces to expel the Islamic State group from the town of Makhmour. In a video published online, Barzani thanked the PKK fighters: “We are […]

No, it’s not anti-semitic
Profoundly anti-Israel views are increasingly finding support in progressive intellectual communities. Serious and thoughtful people are advocating and taking actions that are anti-semitic in their effect if not their intent. Lawrence Summers, 17 September 2002. When the president of Harvard University declared that to criticise Israel at this time and to call on universities to […]
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