Tag: iqbal

Political Imaginations of Muhammad Iqbal
Muhammad Iqbal (d.1938) was one of the significant Muslim intellectuals in the colonial India. He was an orator, writer, poet, campaigner and philosopher. The Political Philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal: Islam and Nationalism in Late Colonial India, a new study on the poet-philosopher by Iqbal Singh Sevea analyses the political dimension of the Iqbal’s philosophy. Sevea develops […]

Life of ‘the Poet Laureate of Asia’
Allama Mohamed Iqbal, one of Indian subcontinent’s most versatile and controversial figures in the 20th century, defies easy categorizations. The myriad ironies and contradictions that defined colonial India converged in the life and works of Iqbal to such an extent that the exact opposite of anything ever said of him could equally be true! A […]
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