Tag: Isis

‘Mystical is Hardly a Retreat from Political’

‘Mystical is Hardly a Retreat from Political’

In an interview, outlining the salient features of the Islamic decoloniality project, Dr Syed Mustafa Ali calls out the matrix of colonial power which operates an insidious epistemology inflecting our ways of seeing and thinking. Syed Ali contributes to the robust academic-activist enterprise of decoloniality with his original idea of Islamic decoloniality. Syed Ali teaches […]

April 25, 2016
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Iran conducts anti-ISIS cartoon exhibition

Iran conducts anti-ISIS cartoon exhibition

In what seems to be an attempt to make fun of Islamic State militants, Iran has organized a caricature competition and solicited submissions from across the world. The reports says that it has already driven attention from UK, Peru, Italy, Cuba, France, Australia and Indonesia and that thousands of entries from these countries have already […]

May 28, 2015 Interactive News Desk
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Kurdish rivals unite to fight Islamic State

Kurdish rivals unite to fight Islamic State

Erbil, Iraq – The President of Iraq’s Kurdish region, Massoud Barzani, visited fighters of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) for the first time last week, after the PKK joined Kurdish Peshmerga forces to expel the Islamic State group from the town of Makhmour. In a video published online, Barzani thanked the PKK fighters: “We are […]

August 18, 2014 Wladimir van Wilgenburg
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Military Actions Later; Obama Opts for ‘Political Change’

Military Actions Later; Obama Opts for ‘Political Change’

US President Barack Obama sent advisers to the war-torn Iraq with the aim of finding a ‘political solution’ to the crisis. Addressing the press after deliberations with his national security team, Obama said that the military actions the US had earlier targeted would only be explored later, if only it deemed necessary. He also said […]

June 20, 2014
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40 Indians in Iraq Beyond Reach

40 Indians in Iraq Beyond Reach

About 40 Indian employees stranded in the violence-hit Iraq have been held incommunicado, the foreign ministry said on Wednesday. Times of India reported about the probability of abduction. “Despite our best efforts at this stage we haven’t been able to contact them. So they remain ‘uncontactable’ at this stage,” said spokesman Syed Akbaruddin. “Beyond that […]

June 18, 2014
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Militants Attack Largest Refinery

Militants Attack Largest Refinery

The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) Militants on Wednesday attacked the largest oil refinery of Iraq. Clashes erupted around 4.00 am local time at the refinery at the Baiji oil refinery in Salaheddin province, north of Baghdad. Militants attacked the refinery with mortar and machine gun. One mortar hit a spare-parts warehouse […]

June 18, 2014
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Fierce Fight Around Baghdad; US May Train Iraqi Troops

Fierce Fight Around Baghdad; US May Train Iraqi Troops

The ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant) militants who are advancing to Baghdad had fierce fight with security forces on Baquba-37 miles northeast of Baghdad. Earlier, the militants made their intentions clear: capture of Baghdad and the military procession towards Karbala, the Shiite holy city. Meanwhile Baiji, the biggest olil refinary in Iraq, […]

June 17, 2014
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Militants Close in on Baghdad; Strategic Samarra Now in Focus

Militants Close in on Baghdad; Strategic Samarra Now in Focus

According to the latest reports, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis) militants, after seizing Mosul, the second biggest city of Iraq and Tikrit, hometown of Saddam Hussein and other towns and cities of Baghdad, had advanced to Baghdad. According to live report of Guardian, the apparent battle plan of ISIS has been […]

June 13, 2014
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