
Towards an Islamic Decoloniality
Dr Syed Mustafa Ali contributes to the robust academic-activist enterprise of decoloniality with his original ideas on Islamic decoloniality. Syed Ali teaches at The Open University in Milton Keynes (UK) as a member of the Faculty of Mathematics, Computing and Technology. The project of Islamic decoloniality he pioneered exposes various lacunae in leading decolonial projects […]

Quranic Hermeneutics: New Avenues
The Quran is the source of ethics and guidance for all Muslims. In fact, the divine book has been given to Prophet Muhammad who was sent to the whole mankind. The traditions of the Prophet have always been believed to be the interpretations by words and deeds of the Quran. But traditions can never claim […]

Kanthapura: Probing non- violent questions
Raja Rao’s novel Kanthapura (1938) is the first major Indian novel in English. It is a fictional but realistic account of how a great majority of people in India lived their lives under the British rule and how they responded to the ideas and ideals of Indian nationalism. Kanthapura depicts the story of an Indian […]

Life of Muhammad: A Critical Engagement
The life of Prophets are never their alone. Their life links us with the Eternity, the Source of all lives. Whatever they do even in the inner chamber of their home is monitored and justified or corrected by the Revelation. Their life is added to the text of Revelation in order to interpret the latter. […]

Rashid Rida and the Kerala Muslim Reformist Movements
Interactive Blogemics carried a piece under the title ‘Moulid: Beyond Rashid Rida’s Tolerance’ in its last issue. Here is an engaging discussion based on it in the Facebook group ‘Garden of Bliss!’ Saleem Ch: Teach your children three things; Love of your Prophet; Love of his Ahl al-Bait and the recitation of the Quran. Hadith- […]

Moulid: Beyond Rashid Rida’s Tolerance
As children we did not know the meaning of the moulid we used to recite and sing. Nor did we try. When we pestered our elders for a little bit of glosses on those sonorous, full-bodied verses, they discouraged: ‘You don’t know the meaning of the Qur’an either.’ Piety stayed well outside all meanings. So […]

Rumi Cut Out for Consumption
Sometime in the 19th century, man chose sensuality over spirituality. And this has left him with a gaping hole in his inner self; an emptiness which he is constantly attempting to fill up with alternatives. He’s undergoing spiritual decay by an alienation from himself, his friends and the world around him, and he is aware […]

Hijab, Burqa; T Shirt or Tight Jeans? Let Women Speak
In the wake of the ban on headscarf in France, the popular Insight talk show hosted by award-winning journalist Jenny Brockie, held a debate on the issue. The four-part talk show can be watched in the Youtbe (Go to the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_3X-RLvM6A and to the links to the succeeding parts). Though there were other spectacular […]

English Vinglish: A Mom’s Cinematic Self-Discovery
It was a Cool Sunday morning. Ours is an extended family, so the clatter at our home on a Sunday is much noisier than in today’s nuclear-families. But like any other family, ours too was enjoying this “Holy Day”. The best thing on that day is one can put aside the Grandfather clock – that […]

Asad’s Coffee, Ayla’s Baklava and Jahanzeb’s Chutney: A Tale of Many Tastes
It was Sunday in Bangalore. Streets abuzz with shopaholics and vendors. Parks metamorphosed into loiters’ Eden. Pubs all awake and the ever-vigilant moral cops. The two words Sunday and Bangalore evoke many pictures… We as usual occupied the kitchen. The event may not be as relevant as the occupying of Wall Street. But it nice […]
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