
The Lives of Muhammad
Prophet Muhammad is remembered in a multitude of ways, by both Muslims and non-Muslims. And through each retelling we learn a great deal not only about Muhammad but about the social milieu of the authors. In The Lives of Muhammad (Harvard University Press, 2014), Kecia Ali, Associate Professor of Religion at Boston University, explores how several central […]

West and Islam: Beyond Conflicts and Resolutions
In what appeared to have been uploaded four years ago, a YouTube video has Sheikh Hamza Yusuf, adored in the west as a traditional Islamic scholar with deep moorings in modern streams of thought and knowledge, having friendly chat with a motley group of scholars who straddled the diversity camouflaged in the binary expression Islam and West. […]

Missing MH370: Australian Company Claims the Wreckage to Be In Bay of Bengal
A private Australian exploration company has claimed that it had found the remains of the disappeared Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 in the Bay of Bengal, 5,000 km away from the current search zone in the Indian Ocean and about 190 kilometres south of Bangladesh. The search authorities however dismissed the possibility. The wreckage was reportedly […]

Response: ‘Muslim Homosexual!? Why Not Muslim Polytheist’
A response to http://www.interactive.net.in/content/muslim-homosexuals-why-there-much-fuss-around This article seems to be promoting homosexuality to the youth 1. It explains through some quotes how to be a gay and what actions could be done to be a gay 2. If your parents or your society objects to it, this article gives you a complete textual argument how to […]

How early is early marriage?
Does everyone understand the word “early” here to be of the same caliber? The minimum legally approved age of marriage is less than 15 in some countries. Such laws are neither limited to developing countries, nor to state religion. In Europe, for example, Catholic canon law sets 14 as the minimum age for the marriage […]

Debate on ‘Marri-age’: Let Children Grow First
With reference to http://interactive.net.in/content/much-ado-about-marri-age-0 Excellent article…it covers all the points rather well! Marriage is meant to be mercy for mankind where two people come together for companionship. Out of mutual love and respect grows a home of security for the next generation of Muslims- boys and girls. This is an important requirement in an Islamic household. […]
‘Sanctions need not be enforced’
Amidst the controversy over the age for marriage, I was forced to remember a young wife of an old man who asked him and his elder brother to fetch her a young groom. When I was living in Gulf, the security guard of our office-a frail, old man-used to ask me to translate the Urdu […]

No Real Ban of Child Marriage in the Act
with reference to http://www.islaminteractive.info/content/much-ado-about-marri-age-0 I have doubt whether there is real prohibition of child marriage in the Act. There is only restraint, in the sense that the marriage can be nullified if there is dispute. So also child marriage can be stopped when known in advance. The cause for doubt is there are punishment clauses, when […]

Early Marriage and Early Islam
This week, in the state where I am living, Kerala, India: “…nine prominent Muslim (sic) organizations have decided to approach the Supreme Court to exclude Muslim women from the law prescribing a minimum marital age. According to them, the present Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006, which prescribes 18 as women’s legal age and 21 […]

Between Patriarchy & Civilizing Mission of ‘Feminism’
This starts the series about contemporary scholars and debates on Women and Islam. Profiles, major discourses, debates and controversies on the issue will be featured in the section. We want our readers to write to us your contributions and feedback. Feel free to write to shauqimizaj@gmail.com “Women and Islam” is an alluring topic for debate […]
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