
‘Mystical is Hardly a Retreat from Political’
In an interview, outlining the salient features of the Islamic decoloniality project, Dr Syed Mustafa Ali calls out the matrix of colonial power which operates an insidious epistemology inflecting our ways of seeing and thinking. Syed Ali contributes to the robust academic-activist enterprise of decoloniality with his original idea of Islamic decoloniality. Syed Ali teaches […]

Towards an Islamic Decoloniality
Dr Syed Mustafa Ali contributes to the robust academic-activist enterprise of decoloniality with his original ideas on Islamic decoloniality. Syed Ali teaches at The Open University in Milton Keynes (UK) as a member of the Faculty of Mathematics, Computing and Technology. The project of Islamic decoloniality he pioneered exposes various lacunae in leading decolonial projects […]

No Smoking Guns in Mediated Realities
San Bernardino bore witness to the latest incident that involved gun violence in the US. I read the first news from The Hindu, ‘A heavily armed man and woman terrorized this city on Wednesday, killing 14 people and wounding at least 17 at a social services center before leading the police on a manhunt culminating […]

Selfies Can’t Capture Indian Streets
Modern day photography is digital and is available at a single click of the button. Almost every magazine or journal is available online. The posters and photographs in the magazines of the yesteryear are long gone out of fervour. They still manage to have a following, so do the photo stories in the newspapers and […]

Malcolm X: Between Symbolic Exercises and Reality Check
“A 21 year old white man, police suspect, shot dead nine people at a historic African American church in Charleston, South Carolina yesterday. The officials refer to it as a hate crime. The gunman is supposed to have sat in on a bible study meeting for up to an hour before opening fire, killing six […]

Fasting: Is it abstention or Starving?
I have been witness to a conversation passed off between two train passengers who so shrewdly modulated their voice as to be overheard. Here is my attempt not to be fictitious in its reproduction. A: your Ramadan fasting is around the corner. And you are going to starve us Hindoos, aren’t you? B: why starve […]

The Serious Case of Reyhaneh Jabbari
It’s 11 days since Reyhaneh Jabbari, a Muslim woman from Iran, was executed by hanging for the murder of Morteza Abdolai Sarbandi, also an Iranian Muslim. Owing to Sharia law, Iran and woman as a ‘victim’ (from the perspective of the press), the case aroused much curiosity in the press. But it is not just […]

Defending the Defenceless
statement by Rayhaneh’s lawyer regarding her ‘innocence’ In my previous post which titled “Conviction of Rayhaneh Jabbari on charges of defending her honor” many people participated in discussions. Among them was a Judge who claimed to be aware of the contents of the file and considered the petition issued on the death sentence of Rayhaneh […]

The Sentence
The announcement of the Public Prosecutor of Teheran about the sentencing issued by Tehran General and Revolutionary court Following the publication of articles in some of the news related websites with reference to the case of condemnation of Reyhaneh Jabbari Malayeri, the child of Faridoun, and in particular, with reference to the execution of her […]
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