
‘I am fascinated by the question of what God’s problem with poor people is’
‘Committed’ and ‘multi-pronged.’ The adjectives fit well with Dr Farid Esack, his oeuvre, and academic as well as activist engagements. He published Quran, Liberation and Pluralism in 1997; the work was noted for its academic solemnity as well as earnestness to take the message of the divine text to all it matters. In 1999, his […]

‘Muslims Are The New Blacks’ : Samuel L. Jackson
Samuel L Jackson has claimed that Muslims are the new blacks of America because of how they are being persecuted. The Pulp Fiction star, 67, said that the recent Islamist attacks in Paris and California meant that people saw it as a ‘legitimate reason’ to fear Muslims. He said that he had hoped the California […]

Questions Mernissi Posed
While parsing the jibes and demurs in the social media motivated by a religious scholar’s latest misogynic comments, I read the sad news of Fatema Mernissi’s demise. In Kerala, Mernissi has, of all feminist-leaning Muslim authors, been read most avidly. That is because two works by her has been translated into the native Malayalam language. […]
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