
West and Islam: Beyond Conflicts and Resolutions
In what appeared to have been uploaded four years ago, a YouTube video has Sheikh Hamza Yusuf, adored in the west as a traditional Islamic scholar with deep moorings in modern streams of thought and knowledge, having friendly chat with a motley group of scholars who straddled the diversity camouflaged in the binary expression Islam and West. […]

The Idea of Islam Today: Towards Non-Orientalist Genealogies
This is a transcribed speech of Talal Asad delivered at the American University of Beirut as part of an international symposium in honor of Talal Asad held by Arts and humanities initiative at the University. Tonight I will take up the concept of tradition and explore it in a more straightforward and elaborated manner. I […]

Imperial Continuity: Palestine, Iraq and US foreign Policy
Here Edward Said talks about the sheer violation of human rights with ‘the establishment of by force of a Jewish state on a land that was populated by the Arabs. This process began in the early 19th century culminated with the war between the Arabs and Jews in 1947, in which the Arabs lost. It […]

Said : Short Note on Orinetalism
Said pithily summarizes what he wrote in Orientalism. He says, “The idea behind Orientalism is to seek out the origin and coherence of the description of the Orient that began to appear in Europe in the 18th and early 19th century. That is different from the description of the Orient before. Orientalism is about the […]

Midnight’s Children Festival Events: “A Dialogue with Edward Said
In this footage where Edward Said talks with Prof Akeel Belgrami about Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children, Edward’s quintessential method of literary criticism is unveiled. Since Edward is more concerned about the workings of power behind a literary work, he throws sharp questions about the representation of power in Rushdie’s book. “The brilliance of Rushdie’s work […]

Norman Finkelstein on Gaza
Norman Gary Finkelstein is an American political scientist, activist, professor and author. His primary fields of research is the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. Finkelstein received his doctorate in 1988 from the Department of Politics at Princeton University. For many years he taught political theory and the Israel-Palestine conflict. He currently writes and lectures. Finkelstein is the author of nine books that […]

Movie Review: Dedh Ishqiya
“Dedh Ishqiya”, one of the most probable, unconventional new-age sequels from Bollywood, is a hard movie to categorize: it is a lumpy, sharp-tasting mix of emotions that’s immaculately written, directed and acted – and yet isn’t remarkable. The opening, with the black screen voice over story about a female parrot that corrupts a pair of […]

Kairostami: The Japanese Proof for Kurasowa
Abbas Kairostami’s Like Someone in Love is the first film in Japanese by an Iranian filmmaker. I don’t know whether it is the first Japanese film by any foreign filmmakers. I hope comments to this post will enlighten us on the topic. Also, if the sobriquet does not embarrass you, LSL is the first film […]

To Reach You Move; To Transform Travel
Film Review: The Way (2010), Directed by Emilio Estevez, 121 minutes, English. Ways are endless. More endless are their offerings of the unexpected. It’s obvious that ways can take you to places and people. To unknown, unheard, unthought of, unimagined universes. However, where a way eventually leads you hardly matters in comparison with what it […]
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