June 6, 2014 By

In Syria, It’s Bashar, Again


Bashar al-Assad was elected as the Syrian President, having bagged 88.7 percent votes in Tuesday’s presidential election. It’s Bashar’s third term in office. The voting was controversial, as it was not held in areas controlled by rebels. There are only three candidates in fray, the two other sharing 7.5 percent votes between them.  Assad’s opponents termed his election as a joke, held as the voting was within the jurisdiction where he has sway. Supporters of President al-Assad celebrated in the streets of Damascus after the results were announced.

Many countries, including US, said that the election was unfair. US Secretary of State John Kerry termed the election as too meaningless to be considered “to be genuinely democratic.”

Meanwhile, supporters of Syria, which include Russia, Iran, and Venezuela, said the election was transparent and free, and that it was a start for “stability and national agreement”.

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