April 18, 2013 By Najiya PP

Magazines: Where the ‘Muslimah’ Speaks


Knowledge of muslim women in the past was packed in the pages edited by men. This is especially so in magazines and journals in the “progressive” reform minded circles. There are some posts reserved for women; but that too in the administrative or public relations departments. Even women’s magazines were edited by men. Past is past. Some brave women editors and magazines have started to clog the limelight. They help muslim women to be connected to one another through inspirational stories and life experiences. They share powerful stories and rich images of Muslim women all over the world. Such publications counter many negative portrayals, the one dimensional stereotypes and misconceptions about Muslim women commonly held, both within the community and beyond.

Aziza magazine, launched in October 2000 in North America is celebrating its 12th anniversary now. As the founding editor-in-chief and publisher of Azizah Magazine, Tayyibah Taylor has realized her vision to provide a vehicle for the voice of Muslim American women.  She guides the editorial tenor of the magazine. Tayyibah taylor says in an interview-we only see the portrayals of muslim women as the victim, or the terrorist or the exotic other. We very seldom see the profiles of muslim women who are admired. Azizah magazine is for those muslim women who are scholars in theology, who bring alternatives to patriarchal interpretation, women who excel at business etc. The Azizah team was thrilled to receive the 2009 New America Media Award for Environmental Journalism and to be named the finalist for the 2010 FOLIO Eddie Award in the Religion and Spirituality category.

Emel is a lifestyle magazine – whose name sounds like the letters “M” AND “L”, standing for “Muslim Life” and resembles the Arabic word for “hope”, has been running since September 2003. “ We hope emel dispels the misconceptions that Muslims are only interested in politics or religious rituals.  Also, Islamic civilisation has had so much influence in so many key areas of culture but that is rarely seen – we hope we will manage to reflect our history as well as how Muslims are creating a British Islamic culture” –say the team
The magazine covers everything from current affairs to big name interviews, profiles of outstanding people to converts to Islam, health and finance, education and environment, interior design and gardening, technology and motoring, food and fashion.

Sisters is another magazine published from The U.K. SISTERS began as a digital publication on March 2007 and was received with much acclaim and enthusiasm. SISTERS is now available in print and online. Naima B Robert is the chief editor and it has Journalists ,writers and readers from all over the world.  SISTERS covers a range of subjects in the areas of Inspiration, Self, Family, Community, World, Homes, Looks, Tastes and a range of reader offers and competitions.

My Muslim Veil Magazine
“ We hope to reach out to women all over the world, no matter what faith they adhere to, by conveying the true message and presenting the real face of Islam, with a special focus on clearing misconceptions and stereotypes prevalent about Islam and Muslim women”. So introduces The Muslim Veil Magazine itself.

Although My Muslim Veil Magazine primarily targets Muslim women, they hope to provide content and writing that appeals to, and garners, a dedicated global female readership that transcends all boundaries of race, religion or culture. The magazine provides readers with personal essays, narratives, reflections, insightful articles, and other content covering all aspects of women’s lives, such as family, marriage, health and fitness, lifestyle, spiritual wellbeing, personal hobbies, recipes, parenting, careers, and much more.

Posted in: Woman