July 22, 2011 By

Pope Now a Pop Icon

6_0A painting has appeared in a building in Roman Street near Vatican, depicting the Argentine Pope, Francis, as a flying superhero taking off into the air.  A black briefcase with name “valores” which means values in Spanish is shown in his left hand. A scarf bearing the blue and red colors of the Argentine soccer club, San Lorenzo, emerges from the bag.

Pope Francis is already being given a “Super Pope” image by his fans and followers who consider him a religious and a cultural icon. He has made recent appearances on magazine covers and graffiti. Francis is the first pontiff to appear on the cover of Rolling Stone, a music magazine published in California with his photo captioned with “The times they are a-changin.”  He is the 266th and the current Pope of the Catholic Church, who was elected the Bishop of Rome and Sovereign of the Vatican City State.

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