January 11, 2013 By

Rouhani set for a change?

Rouhanis-election_0Rouhani has talked about a different approach towards the US for the past two months since his election as president. In the past week, his comments have become stronger and more determined. Iran will talk to the US, seeking  to solve the disputes between the country and the rest of the world, and will use diplomacy and respect in doing so. Most importantly, Rouhani has the green light from Iran’s highest authority, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khumeini, to show more flexibility.

Obama administration welcomes President Rouhani’s overture but says goodwill gesture needs to be put to the test. John Kerry, the US secretary of state, said on Thursday: “Rouhani’s comments have been very positive, but everything needs to be put to the test.” White House Secretary Jay Carney said: “It’s important when we’re talking about this incredibly serious matter of a nuclear weapons program that we not just take Iran’s words for it, that we back it up and see if it’s real.” The Obama administration is cautiously optimistic about the overtures which Iran’s new president is making to the international community. Rouhani made the remarks shortly before his five-day trip to New York to attend the annual UN General Assembly meeting.

“Unfortunately in recent years the face of Iran, a great and civilized nation, has been presented in another way,” Rouhani said. “I and my colleagues will take the opportunity to present the true face of Iran as a cultured and peace-loving nation.”
Better ties between the US and Iran is not a surprise. It’s been on the cards for months – and it’s been one of the most discussed topics in Iran since Rouhani started campaigning for the presidency in May. If such a meeting happens, both Obama and Rouhani will go down in history. And most of the Iranians are to welcome this as they are happy to see their country peaceful. And when it happens, that moment of diplomacy is not just to acknowledge that the past is gone, but to potentially change the world.

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