Tag: featured

Soccer Fortunes of the Cricketing Nation
Pakistan would be of immense significance for the forthcoming FIFA World Cup football for the country popularly known as the “cricketing nation”, would be exporting soccer balls for the world’s most watched sport this year. Despite ranked 159 by the ruling body FIFA, Pakistan’s presence would be huge this time. The country won’t be among […]

Maududi said ‘NO’ to Pakistan. Why?
After 1937, Moulana Maududi’s literature started to turn its attention on political analysis; his writing mainly centred on theology thus far. In the election held in 1937, the Indian National Congress won with a whopping majority in the Hindu-majority provinces. Congress leaders thereafter exuded the mood of confidence that the new-found religious majoritarian power, in […]

Doyens of Letters No More
For readers of fiction, last few months have been the ones of loss. Here is a belated obituary of Gabriel Marquez, fondly called Gabbo, who created an alternative world, alternative Latin America so to say, which, with its wonderful mix of magic and the real, can give us an alternative to life ravaged by histories; of […]

Pakistan: The Pendulum from Sacred to Profane
History of Pakistan is always fraught with curious, if earnest sometimes, attempts to search for clues to conspiracies. What role did the Hindu-dominated Congress play to oust a formidable minority from India? Some ask. And we have the divide and rule policy of the British to pin the entire burden on as if Indians did […]

Beyond Strives To Becoming
How does one make sense of the sectarian strives in Pakistan. Those implode the country gradually but threateningly. Some analysts consider sectarian strife as being at the centre of the political and social identity of Pakistan. According to them, Pakistan was formed out of the misconception that the Muslims who were to settle in a […]

The Faithful as a Nation
Nations are born in the hearts of Poets; they prosper and die in the hands of politicians. – (Iqbal) PHILOSOPHICALLY and ideologically, Pakistan is the legacy of Iqbal. To say this, however, is to overstate the significance of his role. Pakistan is the outcome of the struggle of Indian Muslims during the British Raj; it is […]

“In Pakistan We Have Selective Islam”
My Generation grew up at a time when colonial hang up was at its peak. Our older generation had been slaves and had a huge inferiority complex of the British. The school I went to was similar to all elite schools in Pakistan, despite becoming independent, they were, and still are, producing replicas of public […]

HERE is a cliche : Pakistan was created as an Islamic state, as a separate home for Muslims of the Indian sub-continent, as an expression of their desire to establish an Islamic society. The Pakistan Movement was inspired by the “Ideology of Islam”, India was partitioned and millions sacrificed their lives, honour and millions sacrificed […]

Iraq Parliamentary Election: First since US Withdrawal
Twenty two million registered Iraqi voters cast their ballots in 50,000 polling booths across the country on Wednesday, amidst rising violence to elect a 328-seat Parliament, in the country’s first parliamentary elections since the US troops moved out three years ago. More than 9,000 candidates are competing in the elections. Polling began at 07:00 local […]

Missing MH370: Australian Company Claims the Wreckage to Be In Bay of Bengal
A private Australian exploration company has claimed that it had found the remains of the disappeared Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 in the Bay of Bengal, 5,000 km away from the current search zone in the Indian Ocean and about 190 kilometres south of Bangladesh. The search authorities however dismissed the possibility. The wreckage was reportedly […]
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