Tag: featured

Yemani families take legal action against the US over drone strike
Families of two Yemani men, Salem, an anti-Al-Qaeda cleric, and Waleed, a Police officer, who were killed in the 2012 military operations have taken legal actions against the United States, alleging that they were hit by a US drone strike in August 2012 in the eastern village Khashamir. Although it is unclear if the case […]

God as ‘She’
A group of women priests within the Church of England want to start referring to God as ‘She’ to combat sexism, the proposal gone controversial. ‘When we use only male language for God we reinforce the idea that God is like a man and, in doing so, suggest that men are therefore more like God […]

Three Decades of India: The Mandate of a Media Man
I was wondering what Vir Sanghvi had been doing after that ignominious Nira Radia episode. A pleasant face among Indian journalists, Vir had/has to his credit many delectable columns on Indian politics and Indian cuisine as well as several TV productions and interviews along similar lines. Unlike many journalists in his generation, he knows what […]

Fasting: Is it abstention or Starving?
I have been witness to a conversation passed off between two train passengers who so shrewdly modulated their voice as to be overheard. Here is my attempt not to be fictitious in its reproduction. A: your Ramadan fasting is around the corner. And you are going to starve us Hindoos, aren’t you? B: why starve […]

Islamophobia on ‘Air’
Tahera Ahmed, a Muslim Chaplain at Chicago’s Northwestern University, has alleged that she was denied an unopened can of Diet Coke on the airplane that led to pledges to boycott the airline. On her facebook page, Tahera wrote that a flight attendant has discriminated against her after she asked for an unopened of soda for […]

FIFA, Israel: Bibi’s Growing Concern
Following the failure of the Palestinian request to FIFA to exclude Israel from the list of teams it has recognized, which the international football council rejected and on account of growing negative sentiments against Israel among the European teams and some card carrying footballers, Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told ministers at the weekly cabinet […]

Iran conducts anti-ISIS cartoon exhibition
In what seems to be an attempt to make fun of Islamic State militants, Iran has organized a caricature competition and solicited submissions from across the world. The reports says that it has already driven attention from UK, Peru, Italy, Cuba, France, Australia and Indonesia and that thousands of entries from these countries have already […]

Same Sex Marriage, Irish referendum and Vatican
The government of Ireland conducted referendums on 22 may 2015 to make amendments to the constitution of Ireland. The constitutional Convention, which was established in Ireland to discuss proposed amendments to the constitution of Ireland, had earlier recommended the amendments, which are obliged to reduce the age of candidacy for the President of Ireland from […]

John Nash died in a car accident
The Princeton University scholar and Nobel Prize-winning mathematician John Nash, who was 86, and his wife Alicia died in a car accident on Saturday. According to the New Jersey State Police, they were travelling in a taxi on the New Jersey Turnpike and were spewed out from the vehicle. The film ‘ A Beautiful Mind’, […]

#ModiInsultsIndia; an outrage on social media
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent statement during his visit to three nations sparked an angry reaction from opposition parties on Tuesday besides setting off a storm of protest on social media. Addressing the non-resident Indians (NRIs) in Shanghai, the Prime Minister said: “Earlier, you felt ashamed of being born Indian,” he said. “Now you feel […]
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