Tag: featured

Egypt’s injustice system
Egypt’s justice system is almost completely devoid of justice. Perhaps those of us who have denounced Egyptian exceptionalism as a farce spoke too quickly. Egypt may be, after all, the only nation in the world with a justice system that convicts dead people for committing crimes from the grave and prisoners for committing street offenses from […]

Death sentence for freedom in Egypt
The regime seeks to take not only the lives of these defendants, but also the freedom to dissent of all its citizens. Like something out of a campy 1940s horror film, the dead are rising in Egypt and they’re terrorising the population. In the latest appalling decision by the Egyptian judiciary, Mohamed Morsi was convicted […]

Leviathan and Winter Sleep: What Do We Believe
A believer needs to have patience as well as mirth out of facing a barrage of questions. So the one who helps a believer is often a non-believer. Only in the context of scepticism can a true belief grow. Linguist Toshihiko Izutsu says that belief is progression, not a state in which people find themselves […]

Osama Hunt: Obama Version Countered by Hersh Expose
Pulitzer-prize winning author and investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has of late caused uproar with his take on the Osama killing in the London Review of Books, questioning the US claims of the incident as a protracted military feat of the state and, thereby, ruffling the feathers of the American military intelligence establishment as well as […]

Adonis: Words that Met Stars
A December dusk with cool breeze wafting all along. The 16th Doha International Book Fair was all set to begin. The pivot of Cultural programmes, a key event in the fair, is the chief guest Adonis, the most remarkable Arab poet of this era. A Khayma (tent) has been specially erected on the sidelines of […]

Lynching Woman: Four Afghan Men Sentenced to death
Four Afghan men were awarded death sentence in Kabul on Monday over a mob attack in which a woman was beaten to death after being falsely accused of burnung the holy Quran, an incident which the commentators say has caused nationwide protests and uproar. Although witnesses claimed that she did not burn the Quran, the […]

French Parliament Passes Draconian surveillance Law
Following the killings of 17 people at the Charlie Hedbo, satirical magazine in France, the French Parliament has accelerated surveillance powers, through which intelligence agencies could tap phones and emails sans the permission from a judge. With the new bill, the authorities are allowed to spy on the digital and mobile phone communications of anyone […]

Nuri Bilge Ceylan, Orhan Pamuk and our problematic of separation
Last week I read a column that director Nuri Bilge Ceylan”s Golden Palm award for his movie “Winter”s Sleep” at Cannes Film Festival did not separate the society. True, Ceylan”s speech in which he stated the following “I am dedicating this award to those who have lost their lives last year and those who lost […]

Social Media: From the good ones to the bad
The horrific Nepal earthquake of 2015, which has left over 3,200 people dead and many more injured, has once again shown how crises unfold in various ways in this social media obsessed age. For starters, the current Indian government has got its social media strategy spot-on when it comes to dealing with crises, even the […]

Nepal earthquake; death toll tops 3,700
At least 3,700 people are now known to have died in a massive earthquake which hit Nepal on Saturday. Nepal police said in a statement on Monday that the death toll had risen to 3,617 people. That number does not include the 18 people confirmed dead in an avalanche that swept through the Mount Everest […]
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