November 25, 2012 By Shauqeen Mizaj

Tonic and Tasty

Recipe of Layered Banana Cake 


Yellow, fleshy n yummy –these are the things that come running to our mind when we think of bananas. Being one of the widely used tropical fruits, bananas are high in calorie, vitamins and minerals and are a good source of health. They provide a lot of energy, helps lower blood pressure and makes a fulfilling and nutritious snack. Originally found in the South East Asia, they were brought to West by the Arabs, carried to Asia Minor, later to Africa and finally to the New World by the first explorers and missionaries to the Caribbean.

Bananas are used lavishly in Malabar food recipes whether it be snacks, desserts, pudding, pies or smoothies. They are an essential ingredient in many food items and are loved by young and old alike.  Presenting below is one such recipe which is worth a try!!

      Layered banana cake

Bread —  11-14 slices, halved, with edges cut
Egg– 4
Milk—3 tbs
Cardamom– 1
Sugar—3 tbs
Banana – 1, medium sized, chopped
Ghee— 2 tsps
For garnishing:
Cashew nuts, almonds—crushed

1) Shallow fry the chopped banana pieces in a pan. Add sugar, cashew nuts, almonds, raisins and ghee to the banana pieces and mix well.

2) Make another mixture of eggs, milk, cardamom and sugar and beat in with a mixer.

3) Heat a sauce pan and add 1 tsp ghee. Place 5-6 bread slices in the pan and pour in half of the egg-milk mixture. Make sure that the slices are covered with the mixture.

4) Put in the fried banana mixture on top of this bread base. Place the remaining slices on top and pour in the egg mixture. Finally sprinkle the remaining banana pieces on top.

5) Close the lid of the pan and cook for 25 minutes on a low flame. When done, remove the pan from heat and keep aside for cooling, without opening the lid. This may spoil the dish.

6) Slice into pieces and serve.

**Egg, milk and bananas make this dish a heavy and nutritious one and is ideal for kids.

Posted in: Food and Clothing