
Questions Mernissi Posed
While parsing the jibes and demurs in the social media motivated by a religious scholar’s latest misogynic comments, I read the sad news of Fatema Mernissi’s demise. In Kerala, Mernissi has, of all feminist-leaning Muslim authors, been read most avidly. That is because two works by her has been translated into the native Malayalam language. […]

Between Patriarchy & Civilizing Mission of ‘Feminism’
This starts the series about contemporary scholars and debates on Women and Islam. Profiles, major discourses, debates and controversies on the issue will be featured in the section. We want our readers to write to us your contributions and feedback. Feel free to write to shauqimizaj@gmail.com “Women and Islam” is an alluring topic for debate […]

Empowerment of Women: An African Agenda
Amina Sboui has recently quit Femen, citing the Islamophobia of the feminist group and saying, ‘you have to respect the religion of others.’ The Tunisian activist is a noted figure, who was jailed for posting her nude photos online, a staple of the Femen protest. The Liberal version of feminism, moored as it is on […]

Diverse Ways of a Freelance Monotheist
“I say that religion isn’t about believing things. It’s ethical alchemy. It’s about behaving in a way that changes you, that gives you intimations of holiness and sacredness.” – Karen Armstrong When one thinks of Prophet Muhammad and pluralism, one can be academical- sorting out samples from the life of The Prophet, analysing them one by […]

Magazines: Where the ‘Muslimah’ Speaks
Knowledge of muslim women in the past was packed in the pages edited by men. This is especially so in magazines and journals in the “progressive” reform minded circles. There are some posts reserved for women; but that too in the administrative or public relations departments. Even women’s magazines were edited by men. Past is […]

Sexuality and Parenting: Lessons from Ulrike
“So the main problem of all women in politics is the gap between acting in your personal role and on the other hand dealing with your everyday problems. Sometimes, you feel helpless as a woman in this situation. This is not the problem of an individual, this is the main problem of women in society. […]

Benazir: The Question of Women and Power
“When I first became prime minister I wanted to show a woman can be as good as a man. I think it is important to be a woman because woman brings nurturing aspects” -Benazir Bhutto Even five years after Benazir Bhutto- the first ever woman to become the prime minister of a modern Islamic nation- […]

Ibn Arabi Throws Feminism into Relief
Islamic feminism is generally understood in two ways: on the basis of women’s activism and their academic involvement. The second category includes feminist readings of the Quran, Islamic jurisprudence and Prophetic Tradition. Feminist readings in Islam have been restricted to the women-centred Quranic readings of Amina Wadud and Asma Barlas for the last 20 years. […]

Wife-beating and Feminist Hermeneutics
Recently, a friend of mine who does not believe in Islam has said about the violent, patriarchal nature of Islam with special focus on a verse which, she says, ask men to beat women. Her allegation is motivated by innocence-to clarify her doubt. But the verse in question has been used as a material for […]

Women and Cuisine: A Palestinian Saga
Food is the motivation for love and hence, it unites people. It forms us into a community, nurturing in us the consciousness of being together. In grim situations, it gels us against all odds. The life of Palestinians under the Israeli occupation is one of the worst in history. Their bitter stories that have been […]
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