April 21, 2015 By

Yemen Crisis: Iran bashing and Burqa Sneak-away


The United States has mounted a critique of Iranian military intervention in Yemen, alleging that Iranian vessels have carried weapons to Houthi rebels in the country. The Iranian convoy is reported to have comprised of nine ships and two patrol boats. While the US has made it clear that it would not take part directly in military strikes, and that it would only provide intelligence and logistical support, it is quite obvious that Saudi Arabia, Egypt and other US allies would obstruct Iran from furthering its Military support to Huthi rebels. The tension in the region heightened as the US and their allies rejected an offer of mediation from Iran, criticizing its role in supporting Houthi rebels.

Dr. Khaled Batarfi, a columnist based in Jeddah, has vigorously condemned Iran’s intervention in Yemen when he was asked by Aljazeera English Channel about Iran’s peace initiative in the country. He accused Iran of plotting incessant tension in the region and negated the possibility of it being the problem. He told that Iran has not shown much concern for the 300,000 people killed in Syria and the 10 million displaced, or got involved in troubled Arab countries, like Libya.
Amidst the power-mongering political conflicts, the death toll over the military strikes has increased as 28 people dead in a Saudi-led air strikes on a missile depot in Yemen’s rebel-held capital on Monday. The strikes have precipitated an array of blasts that has left many panic-stricken across Sanaa, leaving cars damaged, buildings gutted and streets totally dispersed rubbish.
Meanwhile, Faheem Al-Hamid, deputy editor of chief Saudi Gazette, who had interviewed Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi before escaping, has disclosed that the Yemeni President had escaped in Burqa. He was talking to Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir in Geo News programme ‘Capital Talk’.

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