A Dirge to English Muslim Magazines
In the formative years of my life, magazines kept me posted on the developments in the world. They were the only resources to go beyond the obvious to the deeper significations of events. When I read, it seemed to me that magazines observed from the sidelines and presented various shades of opinions. And that was […]

Muslim Print Journalism in India: A Course Correction
Newspapers and magazines everywhere have played a major role in informing the readers and influencing public opinion since the press began in India in the nineteenth century. Like in all other aspects of modernization, Muslims lagged behind almost every group in journalism. This article reviews English language Muslim press in India since independence and suggests […]

Etiquette of a Muslim Filmmaker
I am a filmmaker by profession. The taboo which existed among Muslims against watching and making Muslims seems to have been broken many decades. Even the ultra-conservative Muslim groups in my locality have started to make films. So my question is not about the permissibility of watching or making films. It is about the ethics and etiquette […]

Tracing the Pragaash: Hard-lines of Melophobia
February, this year Pragaash (means First Light) – the first all-girl-musical-band of Kashmir after a brief musical journey in the beginning decided to quit in the wake of a fatwa issued against them. The band members had live performances spiced with music and energy to make the people around them happy, but what they got […]

Life of Muhammad: A Critical Engagement
The life of Prophets are never their alone. Their life links us with the Eternity, the Source of all lives. Whatever they do even in the inner chamber of their home is monitored and justified or corrected by the Revelation. Their life is added to the text of Revelation in order to interpret the latter. […]

Biennale’s Spiritual Solace
In the classic tradition, every great work of art quintessentially offers a refuge in peace, and a profoundly personal and yet universal spirit. It digs its way into your deeper inner self in strange and unexpected ways. You feel like being hugged by a friend who, you thought, would never come back to you. It’s […]

Magazines: Where the ‘Muslimah’ Speaks
Knowledge of muslim women in the past was packed in the pages edited by men. This is especially so in magazines and journals in the “progressive” reform minded circles. There are some posts reserved for women; but that too in the administrative or public relations departments. Even women’s magazines were edited by men. Past is […]

A Recipe at Hand
SPIKY BANANA BALLS When we hear of visitors turning up we often crave for some magic recipe at hand so as to impress them well. Even though not always, sometimes something or the other may go wrong when in a hurry burry and we end up spoiling the mood. It is always desirable to have […]

A Political Myth-Making
Indeed, the popular culture of Hollywood or the American global culture forces us to see people helpless. Only the US can help and protect them from any ‘monstrosities’. After the 9/11 attack they succeeded to make us believe that they are the global police all set for an agenda with the support of media. Ben […]

Asghar Ali Engineer: An Incomplete Story
Asghar Ali Engineer (b.1931) is a pioneering Indian scholar and the author as well as editor of more than fifty books. He is both an activist and intellectual known for his profound commitment to issues of social justice in Islam. He has written extensively on justice, liberation, gender, reform, peace, violence and modernism. His new […]
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