Archives by month
April 2016
March 2016
February 2016
January 2016
- 18: ‘I am fascinated by the question of what God’s problem with poor people is’
- 4: A ‘Bagful’ of Tear-Wiping Humor
December 2015
- 30: No Smoking Guns in Mediated Realities
- 30: ‘Muslims Are The New Blacks’ : Samuel L. Jackson
- 22: The Muslims who Shaped America – From BrainSurgeons to Rappers
- 18: The Lives of Muhammad
- 9: Loving Compassion in Islam and Buddhism: Rahma and Karunā
- 7: Lives suddenly in transit
- 4: Is Equality Really a Bad Word?
- 1: Anthropology of Compassion
- 1: Questions Mernissi Posed
November 2015
- 27: Tipu Sultan and his ‘Indian Dream’
- 17: Intolerance and Cultural Dissenters
- 17: Sharjah Turns New Pages
- 16: Selfies Can’t Capture Indian Streets
- 14: Mughals: Perspectives and Prejudices
- 14: Selfies Can’t Capture Indian Streets
- 6: India’s ‘Recep’tion of Erdogan
- 2: West and Islam: Beyond Conflicts and Resolutions
October 2015
September 2015
- 29: The Line Dividing Fatwa and Outburst
- 21: Islam and Local Customs: A Reflection on Onam and Lamp Lighting
- 15: Does Germany indeed welcome you?
- 15: Hip-Hop: A Culture That Transcends Songs
- 7: The Grace of Wistful Laughter
- 7: Cyber Space and Misanthropy: The Case of Kerala?
- 1: Islamic Philosophy: The Legacy of New media Art
- 1: Islamic Philosophy: The Legacy of New media Art
August 2015
July 2015
- 30: The Bloody Cost of Placating Collective Conscience
- 30: Book Review of Living Islam. Muslim Religious Experience in Pakistan’s North-West Frontier
- 28: Adieu to an Ignited Mind
- 22: The Idea of Islam Today: Towards Non-Orientalist Genealogies
- 13: An iftar at Delhi Juma Masjid
- 13: Islam as a Culture of Knowledge
- 7: Jamaludheen Afghani and Decolonial Horizon
- 3: How to Transgender Islam
June 2015
- 25: Journalist Praful Bidwai Is No More
- 23: Buddhist monks seek to ban schoolgirls from wearing headscarves in Burma
- 22: China bans Ramadan
- 22: In China Uighurs Face Ban on Fasting, Mass Arrest
- 22: Malcolm X: Between Symbolic Exercises and Reality Check
- 22: Ramadan in Gaza
- 17: The Prophet for All
- 12: UN peacekeepers accused of swapping goods for sex
- 10: AKP: A Slump, Minor Scar or Wake-up call?
- 9: Yemani families take legal action against the US over drone strike
- 8: God as ‘She’
- 5: Three Decades of India: The Mandate of a Media Man
- 4: Fasting: Is it abstention or Starving?
- 1: Islamophobia on ‘Air’
- 1: FIFA, Israel: Bibi’s Growing Concern
May 2015
- 28: Iran conducts anti-ISIS cartoon exhibition
- 28: Same Sex Marriage, Irish referendum and Vatican
- 26: John Nash died in a car accident
- 20: #ModiInsultsIndia; an outrage on social media
- 19: Egypt’s injustice system
- 19: Death sentence for freedom in Egypt
- 15: Leviathan and Winter Sleep: What Do We Believe
- 12: Osama Hunt: Obama Version Countered by Hersh Expose
- 12: Adonis: Words that Met Stars
- 6: Lynching Woman: Four Afghan Men Sentenced to death
- 6: French Parliament Passes Draconian surveillance Law
- 5: Up to 7 000 migrants held in Libya
- 5: Nepal: They don’t want any “leftovers”
- 5: Nuri Bilge Ceylan, Orhan Pamuk and our problematic of separation
April 2015
- 28: Social Media: From the good ones to the bad
- 28: Nepal earthquake; death toll tops 3,700
- 22: Yemen: Conflict Persists Even After Saudi Walks Away
- 21: Yemen Crisis: Iran bashing and Burqa Sneak-away
- 21: When Art Explores the World’s Mysteries
- 20: Philippines: Consternation over US\China War Games
- 14: Unrest in Yemen: Beyond Sunni-Shia Cliches
- 14: Stilled, the Drumbeat : Gunter Grass (1927-2015)
- 10: Nehru Govt Spied on Netaji Bose Family
- 10: Hope and Despair Ahead of Americas Summit
- 9: Political Imaginations of Muhammad Iqbal
- 9: Hisham Matar: The Politics of Oedipal Fears
- 1: Foeticide: Indo American Woman’s Sentence Raises Eyebrows
March 2015
- 26: Streets of Istanbul
- 26: Yemen Unrest: Saudi, Allies on Offensive Mode
- 23: Lee Kuan Yew: Legacies in Black and White
- 20: US Iran Nuke Talks Despite Israeli Miff
- 19: Ukraine: A Crucible of Imperial Muzzle Flexing
- 19: Fashion blogger Dina Torkia: ‘There’s a fear factor around the hijab’
- 19: Cow is a Secular Animal
- 18: Netanyahu and Liquid: It’s Ultra Wave Again
- 17: Censoring Cuss Words from your Favorite Novel? : A New App to Help
- 17: Does Pharaoh’s ghost still haunt Egypt?
- 16: US again in the Latino Quagmire
- 13: Racism: Is Liberal West Free from Filth?
- 7: Kochi-Muziris Biennale
- 4: Erdogan and Modi: Parallel journeys?
February 2015
- 27: Haruki Murakami on Writing Novels and Bob Dylan
- 24: Homecoming of common man or Ghar WaPasi of Aam Admi
- 20: Is this the end of Iranian cinema?
- 13: Politics for Future to Come
- 6: Azhar Usman: “A Clash of Two Worldviews”
- 3: Prophet’s Childhood: Majidi’s Take the Talk of Tinseltown
January 2015
- 31: ‘Guantanamo Diary’: An Account of Justice Detained
- 30: The Colonial Lineage of Charlie Hebdo
- 19: The Caste History of Ghar Wapasi
- 13: I Am Not Charlie Hebdo
- 8: The legacy of Kufa
- 8: Carpet Carnival in the Palm Land
- 7: Ghar Wapsi and the Need for a Principled Resistance
- 5: Of Mortality and the Limits of Medicine
- 5: Life of ‘the Poet Laureate of Asia’
- 1: Return To Which Home?
- 1: Books in 2015: A look-ahead
December 2014
- 31: Big Screen 2014
- 30: 2014 Events that Hogged Limelight
- 18: Books of the Year: Our Picks
- 17: The Court Jester of Bollywood
- 10: A Voyage Down the History of Pak Cricket
- 4: Mercan Dede says he’s like a vagabond reed flute
- 2: Prisoners of Conscience
November 2014
- 28: America That Erdogan Saw
- 20: Four Tragedies Daryabadi Witnessed
- 20: International Coffee & Tea Festival
- 19: The Sacred Myth of the Orient
- 18: Not Lost in Memory’s Transition: Biography Revives Proust Translator’s Life
- 14: Who was Ali Shariati to us?
- 11: The Meaning of the Caliphate
- 11: The Malaysian Delicacy
- 7: Cancer Campaign: Stop Shaving this Month
- 6: Artist, from the Mount
- 6: The Serious Case of Reyhaneh Jabbari
- 6: Defending the Defenceless
- 6: The Sentence
- 4: Sufism and Deconstruction
October 2014
- 29: Storm in the Coffee Cup
- 29: Ziauddin Sardar: The Careless Critic
- 27: Malala and Crisis of Feminist Politics
- 27: The Snowden Question: Espionage and Ethics
- 21: The Shadows of Muslim Men
- 20: A Filmmaker’s Novel Idea
- 16: Hur Adam: Tale of a Stoic Fortitude
- 10: Modiano’s Fictions: The Political Landscape
- 3: Hamlet and his Kashmirian Odyssey
- 1: Slow Rebellion in the Age of Hyper-parenting
September 2014
- 30: Will Speed Survive US?
- 22: Najla Edward Said: On the Otherness Where We Belong
- 19: “A Bitter Disppointment”, Edward Said on his encounter with Sartre, De Beauvoir and Foucault
- 19: Remembering a Phenomenon
- 19: Edward Said: Legacy Revived
- 19: Co-existence and Diaspora: A Jewish Critique of Zionism
- 19: Imperial Continuity: Palestine, Iraq and US foreign Policy
- 19: Said : Short Note on Orinetalism
- 19: Midnight’s Children Festival Events: “A Dialogue with Edward Said
August 2014
- 25: The Strategic Partner
- 23: The Meaning of Jerusalem
- 18: Kurdish rivals unite to fight Islamic State
- 8: No, it’s not anti-semitic
- 8: No, it’s not anti-semitic
- 8: Sociality and the burqa question
July 2014
- 22: Five reasons why Hawking is right to boycott Israel
- 17: Condemning Israel without Being Anti-Semitic
- 17: Norman Finkelstein on Gaza
- 17: The Art of Giving in to Nature
- 15: Gaza 2014: In Pictures
- 9: Algeria and the Politics of the Spectator
- 2: Ramadan Chronicle: Purification
- 2: Ramadan Chronicle: Remembrance
- 2: Ramadan Chronicle: Love
- 2: Hijab and Stealthy Freedom: The Double Standard
- 2: Forty Rules of Life Worth Living
- 2: Let’s Talk About Muslim Men and Hair
June 2014
- 30: Manipulation of Emotions: FB experiment Draws Flak
- 30: India Lifts off PSLV-C23
- 30: The Spiritual Wardrobe
- 30: Islamic Fashion: A Rebellious Choice
- 30: Islamic Fashion: Corruptive or Corrective?
- 30: ‘Fashion Is the Biggest Oxymoron in My Life’
- 27: ISIS Surrounds Balad Air Base in Iraq
- 27: Aligarh Founder’s Urdu Periodical Goes Online
- 27: Gas Pipeline Blast Kills 15 in Andhra Pradesh
- 25: Syrian Warplanes Kill at least 50 in Western Iraq
- 25: Rebels Shoot down Ukrainian Chopper
- 25: Rajdhani Derails; Railway Suspects Sabotage
- 24: Saddam’s Judge Executed?
- 24: Removal of Saddam Was a Mistake: Blair
- 24: A New Iraq Will Emerge: Kurd Leader
- 20: Israel Exploits Tragedy: Tibi
- 20: Military Actions Later; Obama Opts for ‘Political Change’
- 19: Taliban Strikes NATO Post in Afghan
- 19: Israel-Palestine Clash Over Abducted Teenagers
- 19: Abduction in Iraq: India Weighs All Options
- 18: 40 Indians in Iraq Beyond Reach
- 18: Militants Attack Largest Refinery
- 17: UK Ready to Open Embassy in Iran
- 17: Fierce Fight Around Baghdad; US May Train Iraqi Troops
- 16: Iraq “mass murder” photos released; US in for Talks with Iran
- 16: Israel Accuses Hamas of Abduction; Retaliates by Arrest
- 16: Pak Air Strikes Continue to Flush Out Militants
- 13: World’s Largest Water Reservoir Un’earth’ed
- 13: Modi Replies to Shariff; Seeks “New Course” in Bilateral Ties
- 13: Militants Close in on Baghdad; Strategic Samarra Now in Focus
- 12: Streets Seething with Anger; It’s Kick-off Today
- 12: New Israeli Boss, a Hardliner, Unnerves Detractors
- 11: It’s Kick-off Today Amidst Pessimism
- 11: Militancy Flexes Muscles-Strong Muscles, This Time
- 10: Syrian President Declares Amnesty to Prisoners
- 10: ‘Muslim Groups Impose Ideology in UK Schools’
- 10: ‘Ukraine Free To Have Own Choices’
- 9: Fifa 2022 Row: Sponsers Seek Probe
- 9: Al Sissi Inaugurated in Office
- 9: 23 Shia Pilgrims Killed in Baluchistan
- 6: Bomb Strike: Abdullah Abdullah Has Close Shave
- 6: Thai: Overseas Civil Disobedience
- 6: In Syria, It’s Bashar, Again
- 5: Iran Oil : US Lifts Sanctions for Six Months
- 5: Obama holds out Olive Branch; Modi Accepts
- 5: Brain Keeps Tongue from Being Chewed
- 4: US, UK welcome Sisi’s election
- 4: Tiananmen Fear: Heavy Security Imposed in Beijing.
- 3: Syrians Vote Amidst Battle; Assad Poised to Be Back
- 3: Palestinian Govt Sworn in; Israel Slams US support
May 2014
- 30: Recent Polls: Is Far Right Still Right?
- 30: Snowden, NSA clash over released Email
- 30: National Spelling Bee Championship Ends In a Tie
- 28: Iraq: 27 killed in Attacks, Including at Shia Mosque
- 28: Modi-Sharif talks Highlight Terror, Trade
- 28: Obama: ‘It’s not US Job to Perfect Afghan’
- 27: French Fiction Written in Urdu
- 27: Egypt Demurs; China to Dismantle Sphinx Replica
- 27: Historic Meet
- 27: Narendra Modi sworn in as Indian PM
- 26: Thai Coup: Army Chief Endorsed by King
- 26: Obama Pays Surprise Visit In Afghanistan
- 23: Soccer Fortunes of the Cricketing Nation
- 23: Soccer Fortunes of the Cricketing Nation
- 22: Graft: Hosni Mubarak, Sons sentenced to prison
- 22: Jacob Zuma Elected President of South Africa
- 22: Urumqi attack: 31 killed in Xinjiang region
- 20: Researchers in Aberdeen Targeting Typhoid Cure
- 20: Swiss Voters Reject $25 Minimum Wage
- 20: Nigeria Suicide Blast Kills Five
- 20: Camel and the Eye of the Needle
- 17: Maududi said ‘NO’ to Pakistan. Why?
- 16: Modi Wave Engrossing India
- 16: Election Rally
- 16: Shah Jahan Masjid
- 15: Strike out ‘Data’: EU Court Puts Google in the Soup
- 15: Anti Chinese Violence Spreads In Vietnam
- 15: Doyens of Letters No More
- 15: Alcohol Kills One Every 10 Secs: WHO Report
- 9: Bangra
- 9: Cricket
- 9: Benazir Bhutto
- 9: Ghulami Ali
- 9: Parvez Musharraf
- 9: People
- 9: Moving Art
- 9: Badshahi Masjid
- 9: Abida Parveen
- 8: Pakistan: The Pendulum from Sacred to Profane
- 6: Quranic Hermeneutics: New Avenues
- 6: Shekhina: To Disarm Our Heart
- 6: Movie Review: Dedh Ishqiya
- 6: A Moving Art Gallery without Walls
- 6: Have a Dabba @ Home
- 6: Pakistan: Culture Revisited
- 6: Beyond Strives To Becoming
- 6: Babasaheb’s Pakistan
- 6: The Ahmedi Question
- 6: The Faithful as a Nation
- 6: Ambiguities of Pakistan
- 6: “In Pakistan We Have Selective Islam”
- 5: Iraq Parliamentary Election: First since US Withdrawal
- 5: US And EU Urged Egypt to Reverse Mass Trial
- 5: Missing MH370: Australian Company Claims the Wreckage to Be In Bay of Bengal
- 5: Kenya Legalizes Polygamy
- 5: Banana Racism: Alves Calls Spain “Backward”
- 5: 683 MB Supporters Sentenced To Death
- 5: Deadly Tornadoes Hit Southern US
- 5: Praveen Swami and Tuhfat al Mujahidin
- 5: Imam Sarqasi: Volumes Penned In a Well!
- 5: Homosexuality: Editorial Clarification
- 5: Muslim Homosexuals: Why is There Much Fuss Around?
- 5: Response: ‘Muslim Homosexual!? Why Not Muslim Polytheist’
- 5: Moulid: Beyond Rashid Rida’s Tolerance
- 5: Can I date my fiancé
- 5: ‘West Throws Away A lot of Our History’
- 5: I Have Read a Pope
- 5: Why Not a Türk bayram (Turkish Feast) This Time??
- 5: How early is early marriage?
- 5: Muslimgauze: Beyond the Hypnotic Sufi Gimmick
- 5: Debate on ‘Marri-age’: Let Children Grow First
- 5: ‘Sanctions need not be enforced’
- 5: No Real Ban of Child Marriage in the Act
- 5: Early Marriage and Early Islam
- 5: Coke Studio India: The Sufi ‘Gala’xy
- 5: Coke Studio, Pakistan
- 5: Much Ado about ‘Marri-Age’
- 5: Parenting: Counsels from Kids’ Corridor
- 5: The Curious Case of Fawad Ahmad
- 5: Ramadan Chronicles
- 5: Gandhi: Retrieving a Life from Cliches
- 5: Gandhi and Human Fraternity
- 5: Non-violence: Islamic vis-à-vis the Gandhian
- 5: My Faith Forms My Politics
- 5: Glastonbury & Lo, and Painting weds sounds
- 5: Kanthapura: Probing non- violent questions
- 5: Najran: Two Warring Metaphors
- 5: Latife Hanim: When Secrecies Unveil
- 5: Despotism or Pluralism: Questions on Islam
- 5: Street Musicians’ Day: Delight Unrestrained
- 5: A Dirge to English Muslim Magazines
- 5: Muslim Print Journalism in India: A Course Correction
- 5: Etiquette of a Muslim Filmmaker
- 5: Tracing the Pragaash: Hard-lines of Melophobia
- 5: Life of Muhammad: A Critical Engagement
- 5: A Platform to Go Critical
- 5: The Text in Rhythm with Nature
- 5: Konya, Where The Past Transcends the Present
- 5: Zoophobia in Islam
- 5: Gamal al Banna – a Life of Defiance
- 5: A Spectrum of Exotic Bands
- 4: Rashid Rida and the Kerala Muslim Reformist Movements
- 4: Visual Representations of Prophet
- 4: In Rapture with a Sarod
- 4: Misfortunes of Two Indian Stars
- 4: Moulid: Beyond Rashid Rida’s Tolerance
- 4: When Delhi Rapists were ‘Provoked’
- 4: Mappilas too Hop from their Hips
- 4: Rumi Cut Out for Consumption
- 4: Zakat on Rent and Share: Economics in Transition
- 4: Riddles of Maryam Jameelah’s Life
- 4: Palestinian Streets Sing
- 4: Palestine : When Democracy Kills
- 4: Hijab, Burqa; T Shirt or Tight Jeans? Let Women Speak
- 4: They Sing Ishhumar, Their Exile
- 4: English Vinglish: A Mom’s Cinematic Self-Discovery
- 4: Is Islam a non-vegetarian faith
- 4: Beef Festival and Pork Festival: A World Sans Food Fascism
- 4: Kayikka’s Biriyani – More Than a Recipe
- 4: What is Eating Our Frames?
- 4: Singing Their Dishes, No Eating Their Rhythms
- 4: Asad’s Coffee, Ayla’s Baklava and Jahanzeb’s Chutney: A Tale of Many Tastes
- 4: Ramadan and the Vulgar Profligacy
- 4: The Syrian cauldron
- 4: Batman’s Shots: The Larger Violence
- 4: Eat Your Cake; Count Earth Holes Too
- 4: Sing; you have to sink the world
- 4: Why The Mozart Of Madras Does Not Fit Into The Savarna, Elitist Polemics
- 4: Music and Muslim Classicists
- 4: Bank Interest Contested
- 4: Indescribable Magic of Mehdi Hassan
- 4: Towards the Sacred Music
- 4: Marcel Khalife: Oud, Darvish and Revolt
- 4: Blogging Lives in Madrassa
- 2: Lamb Couscous; or Africa meets Arabia
- 2: Bad thoughts
- 2: Shorten Prayer
- 2: Hello world!
February 2014
- 19: Prophet: An Account Against the European Grain
- 17: Between Patriarchy & Civilizing Mission of ‘Feminism’
- 12: A Vision That Does not Rust Away
January 2014
- 29: In An Antique Land: The Ironies of History
- 27: I Have Read a Pope
- 19: Nelson Mandela: The Captain Of His Soul
- 13: Is Israel all set to remove ‘the African Cancer?’
- 8: Mandela and Islam in South Africa
December 2013
- 31: Venir … unirse a la fiesta!!
- 31: New Year Promises
- 17: A Lesson in Democratic Ethics and Pluralism
- 16: Reflections of a Quran Translator
- 10: Mandela’s Gandhi: The Meaning of Violence in Resistance
November 2013
- 24: Limits of Translations
- 19: Three Indians in race for DSC prize for South Asian Literature 2014
- 19: Iranian President and ministers embrace Social media
- 18: Kairostami: The Japanese Proof for Kurasowa
- 18: Quran: An Argumentative Reader
- 17: List announced for DSC prize for South Asian Literature 2014
- 16: Annual Kids Art Fest to be held on November 17
- 11: For Young Ones, It’s Fairy Taste
- 1: What’s with Modi and Hindi?
- 1: Fourth edition of Mumbai literary fest announced
October 2013
September 2013
- 19: Dostoyevsky’s Hell and Heaven
- 19: Empowerment of Women: An African Agenda
- 18: Desi Gomito Bake
- 18: To the Lyrical Soul of Yours…
- 18: Dalits According to the Quran?
- 18: Tracing the Roots of Islamophobia
July 2013
- 23: IFFK to commence on December 6th
- 20: Search for missing Malaysian Airliner to take longer
- 20: Palestinians Resume Bid For Further UN Recognition
- 8: Delectus Malabaricus: Malabar Awaits Ramadan
- 8: Blogging Lives in Madrassa
- 5: Art in Sharjah: a new vista for Muslim women
- 5: A Touchstone to Measure Your Gandhi
- 5: ‘A politician, not a Mahatma; an episode, not an epoch-maker’
- 4: Gandhi and Indian Muslims: Overlaps and Conflicts
May 2013
- 28: To Reach You Move; To Transform Travel
- 28: The fate of Jews at Banu Qurayza
- 28: Diverse Ways of a Freelance Monotheist
- 28: A Refuge of Diversity
- 27: The Medina Charter
- 27: Digital Reincarnation for Dunhuang’s Buddhist Art
- 27: Let Chill Brave Mr Sun
April 2013
- 18: Biennale’s Spiritual Solace
- 18: Magazines: Where the ‘Muslimah’ Speaks
- 16: A Recipe at Hand
- 16: A Political Myth-Making
- 16: Asghar Ali Engineer: An Incomplete Story
- 16: How Muhammad Matters
- 16: Dynamics of Information Ecology
March 2013
- 28: The Plight of Refugees
- 27: Art Gallery opened in Kochi
- 21: Religious Right and the Human Rights: The Case of VIBGYOR
- 21: Malaysia Widens Search for the Missing Jet Towards India
- 19: EU backs to end apartheid condition in India
- 19: America’s new villains
- 7: Whither Art?
- 5: Let Beet Root for You
- 5: A Door Opening into Rumi
- 5: Sexuality and Parenting: Lessons from Ulrike
- 5: The First Muslim : The Story of Muhammad
- 5: Konya, Where The Past Transcends the Present
- 5: Hindi and Bengali among top 10 most common languages in the world
- 5: Compelled to be Perfect
- 3: Saudi women demands right to drive
- 2: Pope reaches 10 million Twitter followers
- 1: Safety, Violence Fears On the Mt Everest
February 2013
- 21: Referendum: Crimeans Back ‘Going Home’
- 5: Muhammad: In History and Piety
- 5: Does the Big Screen Miss the Prophet?
- 4: Compelled to be Perfect
- 4: New Flavours for Old Recipes
- 4: What is Islamic About Islamic Arts?
- 4: Benazir: The Question of Women and Power
- 4: The Visage of Prophet Muhammad
- 4: Jamia Millia Islamia to stage a play on communal harmony
- 4: Nobel-winning novelist Doris Lessing dies at 94
- 4: Islam: The Dutch Connection
- 3: William Weaver dies at 90
- 3: English Readers’ Roads to the Quran
- 2: Housing apartheid against Muslims rampant in India
- 1: Islamophobia on the rise in Quebec
January 2013
- 27: New Call for Freedom of Expression
- 26: Poet, Translator Daud Rahbar passes away
- 25: Can Rouhani’s Iran be a healing to us (the US)
- 24: Lifting the Ban on Headscarf: A Paradigm Shift
- 23: IIC to host Annual Art Festival
- 23: Jaipur Is About to witness Art Fest
- 22: Scottish people to witness the exquisiteness of Indian Music
- 21: Federal Government Returns Indictment Against Indian Diplomat Devyani Khobragade
- 20: AR Rahman to compete at Europe Music Awards
- 20: Giant General Election Begins in India
- 17: Modi as ‘PM’: Anger Surges through Indian Intelligentsia
- 17: At NIC It’s Demand for Harmony and Modi’s Absence
- 16: ‘After Riot, Statistics were Fabricated’
- 14: No barriers for Indian IT firms: Manmohan tells US
- 11: Rouhani set for a change?
- 10: New Corner for French in Delhi Oxford Bookstore
- 8: Choco Fruits Pudding
- 7: Waqf Conservation:The Kerala Model
- 6: US plans to launch aggression condemned by the Latin American countries
- 5: Lifting Social Media Ban: Iranians Now Take a Breather
- 4: Digital Learning Transforms Classrooms
- 4: The Willow Tree: A saga of sight and insight
- 4: Ibn Arabi Throws Feminism into Relief
- 3: The First Minaret in Denmark and the Biggest Mosque in Scandinavia
- 3: Much Beyond the Dance
- 2: Abandoned in Abandon
- 2: What’s the Big Idea?
- 2: Mathnawi : The Parliament of Symbols
- 2: Necrophilia and Uncooked Meat: A Take on Irrational Fatwas
- 2: Tombs, Orders: Facets from History
- 2: Rūmī and the Sufi Tradition
- 2: Van Gogh’s New Painting on Display!
- 1: Muscat’s Only Opera House Opened for Public
December 2012
November 2012
- 30: Sporty, Yet Devout
- 26: Hijab : fashion in a rebellious choice
- 26: Hijab: Bibliographical Sources
- 26: Textuality of Hijab: Leila Ahmed and Amina Wadud
- 26: Textuality of Hijab: Asma Barlas and Mohja Kahf
- 26: Textuality of Hijab: Fatema Mernissi and Katherine Bullock
- 25: Tonic and Tasty
- 25: A Celebration of Palestinian Discontent
- 25: Memoir of a Brave Muhajjiba
- 25: The Veil – Symbol Carrying Many Meanings
- 19: Mercen Dede: Synthesizing Broken Lives in a Ney
- 19: Is Telling Lies Possible?
October 2012
- 20: ‘I want to learn experience of living Islam in India’
- 20: The Circumstance 2011: What is beyond the ancestral dichotomy?
- 20: The Story of Abraham: A Journey of Hope for All
- 20: Islamic Gallery at Louvre: Good, Bad and Ugly Islams
- 20: Mappilas of Malabar – A Kitchen Community
- 20: Wife-beating and Feminist Hermeneutics
- 20: V for Vendetta
- 20: The Kite Runner: Plotting an Afghan Narrative
- 10: ‘Headscarves’ turn women jobless
September 2012
- 21: Beyond Taste: Sufi Cuisine and Dining
- 21: What is Eating Our Frames?
- 21: Capturing the Spirit of Ramadan
- 20: Women and Cuisine: A Palestinian Saga
- 20: Beverage Which Fought Its Way Out!
- 20: When Fantasies Went Wild..
- 20: Food, Tradition and Religious Other
- 15: Powerful Earthquake Strikes Off Chilean Coast
August 2012
- 10: Pilgrimage: Beyond Destination
- 9: Ramadan on the Move
- 9: The Rohingya Genocide
- 9: Why don’t we care?
- 9: Accounts Termites won’t gnaw
- 9: Many a Discovery of India
- 9: Asra Nomani: Road to Revelations
- 9: AL Biruni: Romance, Voyage and Science
- 8: Words that Traced Footprints: Survey of Travel Writings
- 8: Ibn Battuta: In Frames and Pages
- 8: Ramadan in the Farthest North
- 8: Expo of Imam Ali Paintings at Tehran
July 2012
- 22: Nature and Environment in The Light of Quran
- 19: On the Future of Islamic Intellectualism
- 15: When Istanbul Sings; We Hear Many Istanbuls
- 10: Muhammara: the Taste of Aleppo
- 10: Her Song, Her Voice and Her Landscapes
- 10: Lubna Agha: Inheritance from a Loss
- 9: Alim’s Combat Linguistics: The Struggle for Equanimity
- 9: Rhymes forge Nationhood
- 9: Reconciling Cat And Yusuf
- 9: Edward Said and Music: Love, Text and Metaphor
- 9: Music played in the Tunnel
- 9: Why Are Muslims So Boring?
- 9: Modern Russian Islamic music traditions: History and relationships with Islamic regions
- 9: Thera hips around, We gonna hop
- 8: Islam and Music
June 2012
- 15: Intellectual Vitality as the Ideal Educational Climate
- 15: Education: What the Nomads Have to Teach Us
- 15: On Alternative Thoughts and Models
- 14: Towards A Knowledge Society
- 14: Modern University Challenged
- 14: Justice and Islam
- 14: Islamization of Knowledge: A Response
- 14: In search of the Undivided Knowledge
- 14: T-Shirt Discourse Against Islamophobia
- 14: Quran & the Death of Male Authors
- 14: An Intriguing Tale of Faith
- 14: Grand mosque: History Revisited
- 14: Turko-Persian Spring of Islamic Art
- 14: ‘Blind’ Justice
May 2012
- 28: Case diary : ‘Bring her back on the track’
- 22: “Ghostbuster” Writer, Actor Harold Ramis Dies
- 15: Arab Summit Rejects Israel as ‘Jewish State’
- 15: Jesus: A Reading on Islam
- 14: The Blend of Europe and Islam
- 12: Sacrificing the Self
- 10: With Titus Burckhardt at the Tomb of Ibn ‘Arabī
- 8: Muslim women face degrading treatments due to wearing headscarves
April 2012
- 21: Violence against women: Study Reveals One-third of EU women affected
- 20: Amidst Anxiety Over Survival, Critiques Surge On Obama’s Interference
- 19: Syria: Latinos Rebuff US Plans
- 5: Obama Meets Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah
March 2012
- 22: Kuwait MP Calls for Deportation of 1.4 Million Expats
- 22: Suicide Attack in Islamabad Court: Eleven Dead
- 21: Venice Voting to Break Away From Italy
- 20: Renowned Writer Khushwant Singh Dies
- 20: Special Court Indicts Musharraf for Treason
- 20: Fear of Radicalism: UK to Probe Brotherhood
- 20: Brazil Calls for “Democratic and Transparent” Internet
- 20: Song of the Mountains
- 18: A Day for Being Together
- 18: The Myth of Sword and Veil
- 15: Saudi in the Grip of MERS
- 11: Muhammad Asad Between Religion and Politics
- 4: The Beauty Cult
- 4: What the Rainbow Foretold
- 4: Reading Begovic and the milestones of an intellectual
- 2: Lamb Couscous; or Africa meets Arabia
- 2: A Garden of Identities: Multiple Selves and Other Futures
February 2012
- 29: Shorten Prayer
- 21: Search Beefed up to Trace Malaysian Jet
- 21: Muslims and Christians Join Hands to Abolish Modern Slavery
- 19: Humanities crisis in Public Universities
- 6: Fire: Fifteen Pilgrims Killed in Medina
- 6: Massive Heroin Haul Seized By the Australian Navy
January 2012
- 22: Dubai Food Carnival Underway
- 19: Bad thoughts
- 18: Mappila Songs: As pendulum swings between the Past and Present
- 1: New AIDS: Fear Rules the Roost
November 2011
October 2011
September 2011
July 2011
- 23: Islamic Economic Summit: Does it Hold out a Different Promise?
- 23: Dubai hosts the First Global Summit on Islam Economy
- 23: Three Irish authors long listed for world’s most lucrative literary prize
- 23: Mumbai International Film festival to begin from February 3
- 23: Indian short film Kush among Oscar hopefuls
- 23: Iran’s ‘Parviz’ to vie at Kerala Film Festival
- 23: Bahrain hosts World Islamic Banking Conference
- 23: The Man Behind Mandela
- 23: Iranian Film Week Kicks off in Copenhagen
- 23: Dubai Ruler’s Vision Now in Malayalam
- 23: Islamic Arts Festival begins in Sharjah Next Month
- 23: Reviving the Islamic Spirit convention
- 23: Talks between Iran and P5+1 under way
- 23: New Customs Formalities at Indian Airports
- 23: For Customers’ Ease Live Chat Service in Arabic and English
- 23: Hacktivism is Target of US Defence Research
- 23: ‘UK Admin Panders to Alcohol Lobby’
- 23: Obesity: Campaign for sugar cut
- 23: Iran set to resume nuclear talks in Geneva
- 23: African migrants rally outside Israeli Parliament
- 23: Camel Tracks Down His Master
- 23: E-readers have appetite for Mein Kampf
- 23: French restaurant’s ‘no Pakistani’ rule lands chef in hot soup
- 23: Palestinian Prisoner Smuggles Sperm Home; Wife Gives Birth
- 23: Amidst boycott and Clampdown, Polling Favours New Constitution
- 23: Tomb of Pharaoh the stranger Discovered
- 23: Global Warming: Seven Top List of Contributors
- 23: Ban on Free Speech: Violence Escalates in Ukraine
- 23: Why Does Obama not Want His Son to Play Soccer?
- 23: Shortage of Over A Million Cyber Security Experts Globally
- 22: Paracetamol Proven Risky for Babies
- 22: US , Allies Being to Ease Sanctions on Iran
- 22: Iran and Snowden: Obama Tries but Fails to Whitewash
- 22: Indo-Pak to Resume Cross-LoC Peace Bus Service
- 22: Pope Now a Pop Icon
- 22: Edward Snowden Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
- 22: Snowden’s Revelations: U.S. Cloud Providers Face Calls to Wall off Data
- 22: Syria Talks: Noura al Ameer’s Tales Catch on
- 22: In the Name of Allah, Again in Malaysia
- 22: Syria: Bashar al-Assad on agenda in Geneva talks today
- 22: Cancer Cases to Rise to Twenty Two Million Every Year: Warns UN
- 22: World’s Oldest Flamingo Dies
- 22: UN Wary of Media Clampdown in Egypt: Al Jazeera Cameraman Acquitted
- 22: Filmmaker Miklos Jancso, Dies at 92
- 22: Volcanic Eruption Kills At least 14 in Indonesia
- 22: Bad Breakfast Habits Up Risks in Youths
- 22: More Than 1,100 Asylum Seekers Rescued Off Italian Coast
- 22: All Mt Everest Climbers to Bring Down Garbage
- 21: Israeli Troops Kill Jordanian Judge at West Bank Crossing
- 21: Islamabad Blast: Religious Leaders Point to Enemy Hands
- 21: Ukraine Face-off: Tension Scales Up in the Border
- 21: Brotherhood Ban: Setting the Gulf course.
- 21: United States to Cede Its Oversight of Addresses on Internet
- 21: Crimea Referendum Results Show Strong Backing For Russia
- 21: Earthquake Hits Coastal Peru
- 20: 15-Year-Olds in Asia Are Better Problem Solvers than In the U.S.
- 19: ‘West’s hypocrisy: ‘Grass beats the tin drum’
- 15: Twitter To Challenge Turkish Ban through Courts
- 13: Pope Francis Shakes up the Vatican
- 12: World Wide Web Turns Twenty Five
- 5: Hong Kong Police Dismantle ‘Biggest’ World War II Bomb
- 5: Grand Finale for Dubai International Film Festival
June 2011
- 20: 4 Killed, 16 Wounded In US Base Shooting
- 15: New Blood Test Could Predict Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death
- 8: The Royal Opera House open every morning
May 2011
April 2011
- 23: New Van Gogh painting discovered
- 22: Muzaffarnagar Riots: UP Government Failed To Protect Rights, Says Supreme Court
- 22: French Demonstrate to Back Traditional Family
- 22: Sikkim Achieves Over 100 Per Cent Sanitation
- 22: Amazon Chooses 100 Books to Read Sans Les Misérables, Moby Dick
- 22: Iranian Warships ‘To Sail Close To US Maritime Border’
- 22: Matteo Renzi Wins Confidence Vote for His Coalition Government
- 22: 80 Bodies Found In Mass Grave in Former LTTE Stronghold
- 22: Ukraine Face off: Kiev Ups Ante
- 20: Tremors Hit Chilean Coast
- 19: Denmark gets the biggest Mosque
- 18: Turkish Prime Minister Defies Scandal: Twitter Blocked In Turkey
- 14: Egypt: Second Mass Trial of 683 Islamists Adjourned
- 5: Writing on the Wall of Humanities?
- 5: Boat Capsize In India’s Orissa Kills Fifteen
- 2: ‘Russia Trying To ‘Dismember’ Ukraine through Protests’
March 2011
- 22: Journalists Detained Over ‘Chemical Weapons’ Report
- 22: Subway to Remove Yoga Mat Chemical in Bread
- 22: Wendy Doniger’s “The Hindus”: Penguin India Defends Decision to Recall Book
- 21: Treason Case: Pakistan Court Issues Arrest Warrant for Musharraf
- 21: Traces of Big Bang discovered
- 20: UN Launches Official Investigation into Sri Lankan War Crimes Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on email Share on print More Sharing Services 0
- 20: Legendary Star Mickey Rooney Dies At 93
- 17: World Court Orders Halt To Japan’s Scientific Whaling
- 12: Grand Finale to ‘India by the Nile 2014
- 9: Trapped South African Miners Rescued From Gold Mine
- 7: ‘Black Market’ For Stolen Smartphones Exposed
- 6: Kuwait’s Opposition Calls for Multi-Party Democracy
- 6: Nigeria Violence: 71 Killed In Abuja Bus Blasts
- 5: UN: Call for ‘Massive Shift’ In Energy
- 5: China Water Contamination Affects 2.4m after Oil Leak
- 5: Honduras Has the World’s Highest Murder Rate, Says UN Report
- 3: Washington Post and Guardian Share Pulitzer Prize
- 3: President Obama to Meet With Dalai Lama at the White House
- 2: Missing Flight: Australia Moots System That Found Titanic
- 2: Civilians Killed En Masse in Sudan
February 2011
- 22: German Newspaper Says US Kept Tabs on Leader
- 22: South African Police Disperses 3,000 miners
- 22: Sina Weibo: Profits at ‘China’s twitter’ Surge
- 22: Over 1,000 Held for Baby Trafficking In China
- 22: UAE Moots Star Rating in Service Sectors
- 21: Putin not for an Immediate War
- 21: Fast Track UK Citizenship Available For £2.5 Million
- 20: Iran Nuclear Deal: Talks Prove Elusive
- 20: Scrap Workers Cut Into Live WW II Bomb, Explosion Kills Seven
- 20: Middle-East Peace Talks: Israel Refuses to Release Palestinian Prisoners
- 20: Buy-One-Get-One-Free Offers ‘Should Be Scrapped To Cut Food Waste’
- 20: Writer-Environmentalist Peter Matthiessen Dies
- 20: Ukraine Crisis: Russia’s Foreign Currency Ratings Cut
- 20: Israel Backs Out Of Peace Talks after Hamas-Fatah Deal
- 8: CIA Uses Modern Art as a Weapon in the Cold War
- 8: Swiss Immigration: Final Results Show 50.3% Back Quotas
- 7: Russian Winter Games Underway
- 6: Pope John Paul II’s Dairy Reveals a Man Pained by Doubts
- 6: Rare Ottoman Archives Feared Lost in Fire
- 5: India Art Fair Records Strong Sales
- 5: Judges Who Research Cases Online To Face Jail
- 5: Morsi Charged With Spying and Committing Terror Acts
- 4: Armenian Genocide: Turkey Offers Condolences
- 4: Moqtada Al Sadr Retires From Iraqi Politics
- 1: Venezuela’s President Threatened to Expel CNN
- 1: Explained: How Candy Crush, Angry Birds get your money
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